Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The "I Feel Ugly" Treatment

Some days are harder than others and most of the time 'attitude' is what makes all the difference.  When I am feeling down about myself or just weary about all I have on my plate, it helps to make an attitude adjustment. It just doesn't come easy.

A long time ago, I came up with a plan to help me feel better about myself,...The 'I Feel Ugly' Treatment.  I was a teenager at the time and it made all the difference.  It still works for me to this day. 

You will need:
  • At least 2 hours of uninterrupted free time.  I know, I know, nearly impossible to come by but it will be worth it if you can manage to squeeze it out somehow.  When my kids were little, I waited until they were in bed and my hubby was home before I started.  My hubby loves what this does for me so he supports it.
  • Your favorite drink.  It doesn't have to be alcoholic.  It just has to be something you LOVE.  Milk would work.  I usually choose a wine cooler, Dr. Pepper or sparkling cider.  I have even used ice water during a particularly scarce financial time of my life. 
  • A pretty stemmed glass.  This really makes your drink feel "classy" even if it's milk.  Most of my fancy stemware has been broken over time, but I try to keep a couple hidden on the top shelf in the corner for 'special occasions'.  This is a 'special occasion'. 
  • Bubble bath. The whole point of this is to pamper yourself. So, if you can manage, dig out that fancy good smelling stuff hiding in the cabinet somewhere and use it!  Otherwise, any bubble bath will do...or shampoo...I have used shampoo before.  It's not as bubbly, but it works.  Dishsoap might be more bubbly.  I'm not sure how good it smells, but it will bubble.
  • Music.  This is important.  Not all music will work for this.  It needs to be something inspirational.  I usually listen to classical or gospel/Christian music.  You can choose what you like, but it needs to convey positive messages.  I know some people who really get inspired by showtunes.  If it doesn't bring a smile to your face as soon as it starts, reconsider your choice.
  • A music player with speakers.  The music needs to fill the room.  It should surround you, keep outside noises to a minimum, and not interfere with your ability to put your ears under the water.  There's just something relaxing about putting your ears under the water.  I think it may have some prenatal origins.
  • A sweet treat.  This is a 'special occasion' and special occasions are usually marked with something sweet.  So, splurge a little.  You don't have to buy a whole cake.  One of those cool little treats at the bakery would be nice though.  You know, the ones you are always looking at hoping for the right occasion to try it?  This is that occasion and you are worth it.  Don't forget to put it on one of your fanciest plates.
  • Bath stuff.  Loofahs, bath salts, bath oils (though they don't work well with bubbles), plastic pillow,...things of that nature... 
  • Body care stuff.  Body wash, shampoo, conditioner, face cleaners, body scrub, body lotion, face lotion, hot oil hair treatment, razor, face mask, foot scrub, pumice stone, nail grooming kit, hair waxing kit, nail polish & remover,...I think you get the idea...all those things you collect to care for your body that you never seem to have time for.  This is the time.
  • At least two good towels.  One towel for your hair and one for your body.  Any additional towels could be for your feet or whatever else you think you may need.  Just make sure the towel you use around your body is big enough.  It doesn't help you to feel better about your body when your towel won't go all the way around it.
  • Candles.  It's really fun to have several going at the same time, but if it's all you have, one will work fine.  Hopefully it smells nice.
  • Matches or lighter.
  • Something to wear.  You will need something clean and comfortable.  Beautiful would be nice too, but clean and comfortable is more important.  I like warm, soft and silky things for afterwards (and fuzzy socks).
Now that you have assembled the things that you will need, begin setting up the bathroom.  Make sure your bathroom is clean first.  It won't help you feel relaxed if you are surrounded by filth.  Take a few minutes and clean it.  It will be worth it.  I promise. 

Now set the treat and the drink where you can reach them from the tub.  I like to use a chair or a stool (with a cloth napkin for a tablecloth) because I can use the chair later for other things.  Find safe places for the candles.  Just make sure that everything you need for your pampering session is readily available.  There is nothing worse than needing something when you're naked.

This time for you is about contemplation, refreshment, and pampering. It is time to acknowledge that you are precious even if sometimes you don't feel that way. It is a time to renew your spirit, refocus your energy, and refresh your mind. Open up to your emotions.  Keep the good ones and let go of the bad. Take care of your body in that deliciously wonderful, multi-sensory and spiritually charged environment.  Do some daydreaming.
Now, don't be anxious and try not to look at yourself in the mirror if you can avoid it. This is more about refreshing the inner you than making yourself beautiful. You already ARE beautiful. Take a deep breath, light your candles, and start the music. Lock the door and turn out the light. It's treatment time...

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